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March Theme: Gutsy Boundaries

“No is the kind of power the good witch wields”
- Cheryl Strayed

When situations don’t feel right, or people make us feel uncomfortable we need to put up boundaries to keep aligned with who we are.

It takes courage to speak up to a loved one when you want things to change. Similarly, when you’re on outdoor adventures that push your limits -  it’s up to you to to identify what makes you uncomfortable and know when to stop and turn around.

If we don’t put up gutsy boundaries, we become untethered and over time situations can scar us.

The choice to express ‘No’ and ‘Yes’ is our Wild Woman warrior power. We must build the courage to speak up and follow our intuition so we can be our true selves in all arenas of our life.

In some situations, we must muster the courage to say No to create a boundary.

In other situations we need to let go of our fears to move forward and say Yes.